Women's Ministry
Women's Bible Study
Come join your sisters in Christ starting February 5th as we journey through the book of Revelation in Wednesday Bible Study! You can attend Bible Study on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 am or on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 pm. If you can't attend Bible study, please click HERE to check out our Berean Women's YouTube Channel for all our teaching videos. Stay tuned for registration details!
To joyfully exalt Jesus Christ, the Word of God, as grateful women, living reverently and faithfully investing this sacred trust in future generations.
Christ promised fruit that would abide. Therefore, we will walk by faith in each and every ministry endeavor with the full expectation of success.
As a ministry team we purpose to be women whose private lives have been so transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ that we desire to invest in Berean women as a sacrifice of praise to God.
We purpose to genuinely know the women of Berean and to lovingly and prayerfully teach them the Word and the transforming power of the Gospel in their daily lives.
We purpose to submit to the elders of Berean Baptist Church as we prayerfully craft evangelistic, discipleship, and leadership training opportunities that draw women to Christ, move them toward spiritual maturity, and equip them to pass this sacred trust to future generations in harvest fields at home and abroad.
Please join us for our Wednesday Bible Study, which typically meets (September - April) at 9:30am & 7:00pm. Please contact Teren Sechrist or the church office if you'd like more information. We will also have several fellowship events throughout the year. Please visit the church monthly /calendar for ongoing information. (Women's Ministry items are highlighted in pink)
The Priscilla Program
Whether you desire to teach or just want to study God's Word deeply with other women, join us bi-annually when we'll gather for an in-depth look at the book of the Bible that we will study in the Fall/Spring. (Look for the "Priscilla Program" on the /calendar in September & January). The workshop will consist of three parts: Encouragement talks from experienced teachers, training session on tools for studying God's Word better, and the heart of the workshop -- small group discussions. Since we learn best when we work on our own work, each participant will be assigned a portion of the book when they register. You will answer 6 questions about the passage and share your answers with the group.
There is no cost to participate in the workshop, just study preparation. Our workshop is modeled after the work of The Charles Simeon Trust. You can watch this video for more info on what to expect and how to prepare.
If you do not have the study time to prepare but you'd like to participate as an auditor, that is an option. However, when we are discussing a passage, the auditors do not participate in the conversation.
Please contact Teren Sechrist if you have any questions or if you are interested in participating.